Purpose of the Unit

Basic Research in Complex System Science

 Basic research in complex systems science is conducted collaboratively, both within individual institutions and between multiple institutions. The subjects to be studied include: analysis and modeling of the spatiotemporal order that emerges only when diverse factors form a network; self-organization of natural and physical phenomena; self-organization of environment; self-organization of socio-economic systems; emergence of consciousness and human behavior.

Developing a New Integrated Discipline

 Socio-economic phenomena can be subjected to mathematical analysis, based on abundant and complex numerical data, but these phenomena are also influenced by human cognition and decision making. Accordingly, integration of cutting-edge research fields is essential in order to facilitate interdisciplinary studies that include not only economics but also mathematics, physics, and computational science, as well as engineering and cognitive science. The unit will therefore be a hub for the construction and development of a newly integrated complex systems science, boldly stepping beyond conventional boundaries towards new frontiers of rich creativity.